Rocky Crest EmployeE Page
We are pleased to welcome you as a member of the Rocky Crest team for this season. Find below some basic information that you will need to know
Payroll Documents
Each of the following documents is due prior to your first day of work:
Signed employee agreement
Signed housing agreement (if applicable)
Copy of Smart Serve (if applicable)
Copy of Driver's License (if applicable)
Copy of Boat License / Life Guard certificate (if applicable)
MyClubLink Online Training
All online training modules must be completed in full prior to your first shift.
Please contact your manager / supervisor if you have any questions or challenges accessing myclublink.ca
Housing is charged with an automatic payroll deduction of $12 per day ($84 per week()
The rules in housing are based on safety and respect. Failure to follow the rules may result in eviction.
The shuttle to the resort runs a schedule based on employee sign up. Shuttles to housing run on half hour (i.e. 8:30, 9:30, etc)
Employee Uniform
Each department has specific expectations of uniform requirements
You will be charged a discounted price for your resort supplied uniform items
Resort issued name tag must be worn at all times and returned at the end of your employment
Sign In / Sign Out
It is the employee's responsibility to sign in and out using either the resort supplied time clocks or smart phone app
Staff Meals
Are available at specific times from the staff menu, available once per shift, at a maximum
Guests come first and staff meals may not be available at certain times and dates
Friends & Family Accommodation
Friends and family rates are available at Rocky Crest Golf Resort and Sherwood Inn, based on availability
These rooms are usually available Sunday through Thursday and typically only at non-peak times
Call Reservations for details (866-323-3305)
This was last modified on February 22, 2020.